Now getting those healthy, supple lips that you have always wanted is simple.
What Causes Dark Lips
The skin on your lips is very delicate and sensitive. It can get damaged and become dark easily. There are a number of reasons why your once healthy and pink lips may have become darker and drier, which include:
- Hyperpigmentation
Hyperpigmentation (overproduction of melanin) is a common condition that changes the color of your lips. It could be a sign of an inflammatory disease, a genetic disorder, physiological changes, usage of certain drugs or chemicals, and abnormal tissue growths .
- Medical Conditions
Certain medical conditions, like vitamin deficiencies, melasmai , Laugier-Hunziker syndromei , and anemiai , can turn your lips dark . Addison’s disease, a rare disorder of adrenal glands, is also known to darken the lips . Some medical treatments and prescriptions, like chemotherapy, can also change your lip color .
- Smoking
According to a study conducted on the effects of smoking on lips, the result indicated that more smokers have darker lips compared to non-smokers. This suggests that smoking can discolor your lips.
- Sun Exposure
Just like the rest of your skin, your lip skin can get tanned too. If you are out in the sun often, it could be why your lips have turned darker. UV ray exposure increases the melanin in the skin, causing areas to darken .
- Stress
When you are stressed, your body produces more free radicals. These free radicals cause oxidative damage, which could lead to skin discoloration.
- Additional Factors
Hyperpigmentation of the lips may occur due to dehydration or consuming excessive amounts of caffeine. It may also be a sign of an adverse reaction to some harsh ingredient in a cosmetic product, like lipstick or toothpaste.
If your lips are dark, don’t worry. Keep reading to learn how you can make your lips pink and healthy.
How To Lighten Dark Lips
1. Follow A Skin Care Regimen
Just like the skin on your body, the skin on your lips needs daily TLC. So moisturize your lips every day. Here are a few more things you can add to your lip care routine:
- Mix and apply Vaseline and vitamin E, or simply use a lip balm made of natural ingredients to transform your dark lips.
- Some lip balms even come with SPF protection to shield the delicate skin on your mouth from the harsh UV rays.
- Exfoliate the skin on your lips with an exfoliator or a homemade lip scrub every alternate day.
2. Avoid Using Too Many Products
The skin on your lips is very delicate. Most lip products contain certain harsh ingredients that tend to do more damage than good. The more makeup or skin care products you apply, the more susceptible your lips are to damage. This is why it is recommended by many skin care experts to use natural products or DIY lip balms to replenish and lighten your lips. You can also use a chemical-free lip liner to define your lip shape and to give your lip color.
3. Practice A Healthy Lifestyle
How healthy your skin is depends on how well you treat your body. To keep your skin glowing and looking youthful, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle. Here’s what you can do:
- This means eating balanced meals containing fruits, vegetables, greens, beans, nuts, good meats, and whole grains. When you eat healthy, you can notice the change in your lips.
- Keep yourself hydrated as well as dry lips are more prone to damage and darkening. Also, exercise daily. You may be surprised by how much it helps keep your lips light and plump.
- Avoid smoking and a stress-filled life. Seek out stress-relieving options, such as meditation or therapy. Also, reduce your consumption of caffeine.
4. Medical Treatments
- There are some treatments, like chemical peels and skin bleaches, which may help reduce lip pigmentation. But do not use them without consulting a dermatologist as they may contain ingredients that might be too strong for the delicate skin on the lips.
- Hydroquinone creams can also reduce the production of melanin in the skin .
- Kojic acid, extracted from mushrooms, also blocks melanin production in the skin .
- Topical retinoid creams may be applied to lighten the lips and decrease pigmentation caused by an increase in rapid cell turnover .
5. Natural Remedies
Listed below are a few natural ingredients that may help reduce the hyperpigmentation in your lips, promote moisturization, and make them pink. Check them out .
You can also make your own lip balm with the natural ingredients listed in the table below :